New Delhi: Low-cost carrier IndiGo on Wednesday said it plans to hire up to 1,500 people this year to support its major expansion drive.“IndiGo will hire 1,200-1,500 people in the calendar year 2011, of which 400-500 would be cabin crew staff, 200-300 pilots, besides some engineers and ground staff,” IndiGo President Aditya Ghosh told PTI.
At present, IndiGo has about 3,400 employees and by the end of this year the number is expected to go up to 4,500-5,000.
In January this year, the no-frill carrier made news by announcing acquisition of 180 A-320s, worth an estimated $ 15.6 billion, from European plane manufacturer Airbus — the single largest aircraft deal in global aviation history.
This is the second time IndiGo has placed such a massive aircraft order. The company had first entered into an agreement with Airbus in 2005, to buy 100 A-320s worth $ 6 billion.
On being asked about the order delivery, Mr. Ghosh said, “One hundred aircrafts from the earlier order (2005) would be delivered by 2015. The delivery process of the 180 new planes would start thereafter and is expected to be completed by 2024.”
The airline has already sought government’s permission to launch global operations from the middle of this year, when it will also be completing five years of domestic service.
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